The AgeingSurfer Surf Travel Playlist.

When we are given the ‘green light’ by our spouses to go for a wave our feet barely touch the floor before we’re packed and gone. We usually need little or no additional motivation. However, music has always played a big part of the journey to getting amped before a session. To truly arrive at ‘Ampsterdam’ (look how clever we are) you need the right tunes.

Yeah ok, we’re music fans too, and we know what you’re likely thinking (because we’re also psychic) ‘Look you bunch of shit journalists in the AS Broom Cupboard, music choice is based on tastes, it’s dependent on mood, time of year and a fuck-tonne of other factors’. Well yeah, but there are just some tunes that set the amp-level to 11 (guess the reference). Anyway we wanted to get a playlist together, not just our own but a collection suggested by the Squadron (our followers). We will endeavour to add yours as we go, so send them across. The first seven are some (not all) that we do big excited bad dancing to!

Is yours not on this list? WTF! ‘What kind of piece of shit playlist is this?!!’

Woah there, don’t be cross, remember this is a community project, we want you to add it. Remember it’s the songs that get you proper amped before a surf session. Want to add to the playlist? There are loads of ways you can get in touch:




Artist/s: Black Sabbath

Song: War Pigs

Notes: ‘Of all the things I’ve lost I miss my mind the most’ Ozzy Osbourne. An amping playlist should always contain Black Sabbath.

Artist/s: Björk

Song: Crystalline

Notes: An unusual choice you might think, given those songs she does all about playing dead and being quiet, but give this’n a chance. It goes mental late on and seemingly out of nowhere. Great to put on in your local pub to sit back and watch the reaction. For the full effect listen from the start. However, if you are a bit impatient listen from about 2 mins 30. Fun vid too

Artist/s: Motörhead

Song: Ace of Spades

Notes: One of the AS Broom Cupboard went to one of their gigs once, when Lemmy was still rocking, they played this one first…didn’t know any of the others…couldn’t hear anything after for about 3 days.

Artist/s: Aphex Twin

Song: Come To Daddy

Notes: As terrifying the video is, Richard D James is a Kernow native and has a penchant for dropping an absolute pearl in amongst some very experimental tracks, mostly terrifying also. ‘Windowlicker’ should also be given fair mention, but out of the two, this’n probably get’s the heart-rate going a bit more.

Artist/s: Black Keys

Song: Set You Free

Notes: Back in the early 2000’s before they shaved and put some products in their hair, the Black Keys were putting down some proper raw tracks.

Artist/s: Descendents

Song: Coffee Mug

Notes: No other genre puts adrenaline before talent quite as readily as punk. Short, sharp and to the point this the perfect song to play at 6am as you’re changing into a soggy wetsuit whilst chugging from a thermos. MUG MUG MUG!

Artist/s: Fiona Apple

Song: Fast As You Can

Notes: That percussion combined with the unique warbling and pace changes make this song a bit special.

Artist/s: Ministry

Song: Jesus Built My Hotrod

Notes: We cricked our necks. We’ve also been given something of an impossible challenge for the Karaoke at the Lamb and Flag this Friday…

Artist/s: Nine Inch Nails

Song: Head Like a Hole

Notes: It’s a proper roof thumper

Artist/s: Sonic Spark

Song: The Beach

Notes: A surprise hit with the kids. The chorus definitely sticks in your head…particularly if you’re heading to the beach.

Artist/s: The Only Ones

Song: Another Girl, Another Planet

Notes: ‘I’m on another world with you’. Such a beautiful song and brings with it a funktonne of nostalgic vibes

Artist/s: The Clash

Song: Should I Stay or Should I Go

Notes: The unmistakeable opening bars on this one and pure amp when it picks up for the last minute or so.

Artist/s: Stiff Little Fingers

Song: Alternative Ulster

Notes: Something that can be screamed at the top of your lungs throughout…or until your throat hurts.

Artist/s: Oasis

Song: Slide Away

Notes: We were surprised to see Oasis in here but much like kink-shaming, you should always keep an open mind with music preference.

Artist/s: Butthole Surfers

Song: Who Was In My Room Last Night

Notes: Big guitars, big noise and a few ‘YOW!’s to really up the pre-surf amp level.

Artist/s: Ride

Song: Seagull

Notes: Yes! Just yes.

Artist/s: Agent Orange

Song: Bloodstains

Notes: Classic skater punk, reminds us of some of the mid 90’s surf flicks.

Artist/s: My Chemical Romance

Song: Desolation Row

Notes: A cover of a Bob Dylan classic. It makes want to score some leather jackets and put on a bit of slap.

Artist/s: Pearl Jam

Song: Given To Fly

Notes: Wailing out ‘WAVES CAME CRASHING LIKE A FIST TO HIS JAW’! Great choice.

Artist/s: Foo Fighters

Song: All My Life

Notes: A Foo’s classic. Certainly sets the pre-surf amp level up a fair few notches.

Artist/s: Parkway Drive

Song: The Void

Notes: The AS Broom Cupboard became a moshpit for all of 4 mins. Things got very scary, someone took a flip-flop to the face.

Artist/s: Split Enz

Song: Shark Attack

Notes: Each to their own, we guess. New wave with a bit of punk influence.

Artist/s: A Place To Bury Strangers

Song: Keep Slipping Away

Notes: A definite contributor to the amp, need to turn it up loud though.

Artist/s: The Drums

Song: Let’s Go Surfing

Notes: Of course. This chorus sticks to you like seaweed around a leash

Artist/s: Soundgarden

Song: My Wave

Notes: So many to choose from by Soundgarden, but we were so happy to see this’n pop up. Does Chris Cornell sing ‘piss on my gate?’ or is it one of those mistaken lyrics things that you can then never unhear each time?

Artist/s: Status Quo

Song: In My Chair

Notes: ‘How have the Quo not come up until now?’ You’d be forgiven for asking

Artist/s: Gary Moore

Song: Emerald

Notes: A cover of a Thin Lizzie classic. If we had the choice we would gone with Thin Lizzie’s ‘Rocker’. Tuuuuuuune. But any tribute to Phil is all good in our books



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